Category: Bill Bratton

QPP 36: George Kelling and Broken Windows

George Kelling passed away on May 15, 2019. Kelling is best known as the (co-)author of Broken Windows, but his legacy is much greater than that. I met George Kelling in 1997 when I took a class from him while I was in the PhD program at Harvard University. In the early 1990s, Kelling described…
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QPP 33: Peter Moskos and friends: Lou Anemone, Gene O’Donnell, Marty Horn

Peter speaks to Eugene O’Donnell about anti-police bias in the media and the unwillingness of the “elite” to talk honestly about black crime victims. But while they’re going on, Marty Horn, former Commissioner of NYC Department of Corrections (and Probation) stops by. And then NYPD former Chief of Department Lou Anemone pokes his head in.…
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