Month: February 2023

Shooting victims on a map

The Trace has an online map of gunshot victims and fatalities over the past 9 years. It’s not perfect data. It seems vastly undercount (or not count) non-fatal shootings in areas without much press. And in New York City, it undercounts shooting incidents and victims by 17% and 20%. OK… but it’s still a pretty…
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The King of Fountain Square

There was a tweet that got my attention because it’s my hometown of Evanston. Five city workers “beat up a senior citizen after a verbal altercation.” Sounds bad. It’s like a police brutality video, but without the police. So it’s the same, but different. My first response was to assume the beaters were at fault…
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The 1994 Crime Bill Wasn’t Actually Bad

I read an article today and there was one line that stood out: “…and as legislation like the 1994 crime bill passed, mass incarceration rose dramatically.” The article isn’t even about the 1994 Crime Bill, which is why the line stood out. It’s just kind of a throwaway line I’ve seen before, asserting a common…
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