Category: Police ambush killing

QPP 28: Cops Killed, New Technologies, Starbucks, Handsome Cops, Citizen-Idiots, Racists

This was a busy couple of weeks – Nick mentioned the seeming high-volume blip in police officers killed and wounded this year, and Peter mentioned that this blip is statistically not extraordinary. Peter and Nick discuss fatalistic acceptance by younger officers of attacks on officers this year. Listen to “Episode 19: Cops Killed, New Technologies,…
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QPP 10: 10/9/17

Chicago cops; an ambushed Georgia detective; a big increase in homicides; jail profits, the Las Vegas Shootings & gun control. Episode: Programming note: the Quality Policing Podcast has moved to a semi-monthly schedule. Also, this is a longer episode than normal, because of our gun control conversation. Obviously, we’re going to get to Las…
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